There are things I don't understand. I'm very nervous... Isn't it too hot in here? I'm also very thirsty! I have to save the last drops I have left for the journey. What about me? Do you think I'm complete? Unfortunately not. Quite incomplete, quite lost... I miss... I miss our house in the Tree of Life, where life begins. I miss those old times when I drank cool water and ate apples from its branches.
What do you think a person never forgets to see? Or is it lost in an infinite space with the mistakes they make? If your answer is yes, it means that you, like me, have lost the things that made you because of what you did.
Anyway, the time is about to come. Perhaps my last chance is hidden in that final portal, which will open soon. I can't afford to waste any time now. I'm going to find what I've lost...

Dignity is a special short game with social messages and a special story circulation, prepared to draw attention to the global climate crisis. The character awakens to a world where some of his basic features have been lost, and today's technology tries to find what he has lost about his humanity by going back to the past he missed with portals.

Dignity is a Game Design project which was developed and designed by Arzu Celik, Cemre Altuncan and Mert Baskaya. Dignity is one of 10 favorite games which were selected by industry experts.
For further information, please feel free get a contact.
And also you can test the game on The Global Game Jam Web site or Core Games Launcher
Winners of the Core Diversifier