Unlock new realities with AR and AI
Emerging technologies are so cool!
But every cool thing comes with some challenges
However, every challenge brings it's perfect solution
Movements start as solutions to challenges
Step out and enjoy with AR
Harness the power of AI to enhance your AR experience
What is the next?
I invite you to join me!
You don't have to use these tools to create art.
Just describe your feelings in various ways, such as through art, games, or other creative experiences.
Feel free to combine both AR and AI tools that you like the most to join AREAILISM.
Remember to share your AI-integrated AR creations on social media with #AREAILISM.
Find out more about #AREAILISM through these links:
1- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/arz4_areailism-presantation-at-gist-indieway-activity-7122893641899008001-eYlK?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
2- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ar-e-ai-lism-really-thing-arzu-%C3%A7elik/
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Disclaimer: This content is an inspirational case study created to emphasize the importance of human creativity, enhance the visibility of creators' and developers' works, and to teach and exemplify AI adoption in AR technologies. It is not a project involving the institutions or organizations mentioned in the content and video. It does not necessarily reflect the thoughts or opinions of these institutions or organizations.